In one of the last episode, we already talked about the Scholarship of teaching and learning which is also known under the acronym SoTL. This not a new species that has been discovered but a long tradition in higher education. SoTL is the widely-used acronym for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, a research approach that is to say a systematic inquiry into student learning which helps to advance the practice of teaching in higher education. This is the topic, we will continue today. And by doing this, will explore in today’s episode the book SoTL in Action – Illuminating Critical Moments of Practice by Nancy L. Chick (2018). I reviewed the book, share some of the intriguing insights and let you know if it is worth reading.
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Review book: Chick, Nancy L. (Ed.). SoTL in Action: Illuminating Critical Moments of Practice. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, 2018, 164 pp. $ 32.50. ISBN 978-1-62036-693-6 (pbk).