In this episode, we discuss that "what management is" truly depends on the perspective of how we approach it.
The study underscored the importance of formative feedback, the potential of design-based teaching, and the profound impact of 'Critical Learning Incidents' on a student's journey.
Coaching is a powerful tool that can help social workers develop skills, improve performance, and achieve goals.
Coaching is a powerful tool that can help social workers develop skills, improve performance, and achieve goals.
Coaching is a powerful tool that can help social workers develop skills, improve performance, and achieve goals.
We will follow four questions to get a bit more familiar with this concept: What is the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning?, What steps are to be taken in the research process, and what principles are to be followed?, What are the requirements for doing SoTL?, What Benefits do scholars have from engaging in SoTL?
Join me as I present the first findings after I spoke with experts in the field, policymakers, and those in leadership positions of welfare providers to uncover what it takes to build a welfare system that can withstand the test of time.
This podcast I will take you through the different sections of an essay and provide a few tips on how to structure your work for maximum output and quality.
In this episode, I aim to provide valuable insights and fresh perspectives, encouraging you to develop higher education didactics for social work management.