Games are an integral part of human culture from the early days of our life. They encourage us to interact with each other and with our surroundings to discover new perspectives. Moreover, they enhance our personality and help us to reflect on our own strengths and weaknesses. But how can we use game-based learning in education? How can educators be equipped with the necessary competencies to explore such new ways in their teaching? — In this episode, I will discuss a few insights we have gained in a recent cross-national project about GAmification in TEaching at VET schools (GateVET). I will start with the question: what does gamification or game-based learning mean for education? Thereafter, I will present a learning architecture we have developed in the previously mentioned project.
Project website:
Download GATE:VET App: Google App Store (, App Store (, WebGL (
Arnold, M., North, B., Fischer, H., Müller, J., Diab, M. (2021). Game-based Learning in VET Schools: A Learning Architecture for Educators in Vocational Education. Proceedings of the 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference Valencia, Spain. 8-10 March, 2021.
Schmitz, B., Felicia, P, & Bignami, F. (2015). Acceptance and Use of Game-Based Learning in Vocational Education and Training: An International Survey. International Journal of Game-Based Learning, 5(4), 50-63.
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