This new episode explores this question and discusses, first and foremost, what digital leadership includes, secondly, how it is relevant for social work institutions, and, thirdly, how social work managers can adapt to this ever-changing situation.

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In this episode, we want to explore this question. And I will take into consideration the publication by Shelly Wimpfheimer.

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In this episode, we will discuss how those decentralised learning environments could be useful for organising your teaching.

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In the following, we will start with a description of the Toulmin model and an example. In the second part, we will draw some practical conclusions for your personal knowledge management.

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The aim of this episode is to provide practical advice on how to make university-practice partnerships work in your next projects.

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In this episode, I will discuss a few insights we have gained in a recent cross-national project about GAmification in TEaching at VET schools (GateVET).

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